15 October 2010

Reading between the lines

By Aden Dahir Salad 
The art of reading between the lines is as old as civilisation.

 The brain we have is unconscious.  We read a lot of handouts during mid-terms and terminal papers but after the paper all the handouts and dates are automatically eliminated from the brain storage. The reason is clear... WE ARE NOT READING BETWEEN THE LINES... There is a number of students who are reading between the linestoo, but the majority leads.
The intensity of reading is strong, we have internet, online library,traditional library and so on. But the internet is for Facebooking, Twittering, Live messenger chatting, and Yahoo! chatting. That means Wikipedia has no chance until the assignment submission date is near, and at that time you see the students are texting each other and asking questions like, "what did Sir Moons say in class? What is the submission date of Sadia Mehmood’s assignment? What about Sociology paper?", etc. After that, Wikipedia and Cyclopedia are their best friends till the assignment is submitted. After that the students will go back to Facebooking and Twittering.
Being a student is a fantastic job. I am proud to be a student, I am also very proud  to be a Mass Communication student. Dear classmates this article is just about the funny life that we are in. The encouragement comes from Aden, your classmate from Somalia, that just reading  between the lines and not out of them.
Every single student in the department caring some books or handouts along with his/her cell phone, the handout is carried but not cared while the cell phone text message is carried and cared.

1 comment:

  1. wow Aden awesome article and amazing..keep going.
