23 August 2010

To bunk or not to bunk???

                                                                                     By Saman Hashmi

Ahhh Bunking....!! I think there is no word more attractive for KUrians other then the word "bunk". I never bunked my classes when I was in school, or college, but the atmosphere and circumstances are very different in KU.
It does not really matter, as no one usually cares whether you take the class or not. So, whenever students get a chance or are in a mood to bunk, they don’t hesitate to skip the classes.

Bunking is something everyone does, at least once in their lives. But the question is...why KUrians bunk so much??? The reasons are several... First being, since it is such a big place, there is more room for "susti", some pending work, good weather, or a plan for "khappa" at Sufi. Even if a KUrian feels a minor headache, then the only cure for him/her is to BUNK.
Whatever the reason is, bunking is not a big deal for students and it has now become a trend followed by many. Not to say that only KUrians are gutsy enough to bunk, but at almost all the educational institutions, students are addicted to the high of bunking. When the whole class bunks a lecture together on purpose, here, it is called an "Ijtimai tullah", and this way, we as the most regular bunkers, feel good and satisfied to see the unity of class.

The only drawback of bunking is when we fall short of attendance, which in extreme cases, becomes a serious headache. According to the rules of University of Karachi, if a student does not manage to attend 60% of the lectures in a semester, then he/she is not allowed to sit in the exams; and if the attendance is below 75% then they must pay a fine.
Bunking is a lot of fun but it is not something to be taken as a habit. At times I really wonder that if a student is maintaining his/her grades, then what's the harm in bunking classes? I know many students who don’t attend their classes so regularly but do well in exams - including myself!


  1. Truee..lol..*likeeee*

  2. O yes undoubtedly you are the 'Bunkers Queen' :P :D
    Good effort! :)

  3. Nicely put down. The word 'Bunking' itself is such a powerful spell that I dun reckon anyone would say a few or more words against it. I won't say I totally agree with the idea presented 'cuz I myself strongly against bunking without any logical explanation. But I really liked the last few lines of the article. I dun believe that if anyone who maintains a perfect attendance scores more than who fails to due to any serious problem. Moreover, there must a a good enough reason to support the act of bunking.

  4. rather than attending a boring lecture,its better to bunk.
    well written

  5. True! bunking is no harm if you are maintaining your grades. Sometimes, it even becomes necessary in order to maintain the grades, as that is the time students can complete their assignments and study when the exams are close, classroom lectures just aren't the absolute form of education..

  6. It is an art which demands full devotion from its artist. It is the talent with which only a few of us are blessed. Bunking classes is no easy task. It is the only art known to me that requires involvement of both heart and mind. Bunking classes is a universal art, carried out by students worldwide. The art should be kept alive for the generations of students yet to come.


  7. I really like what you have written and totally agree with this, Bunking has indeed become a trend then everyone is seen doing. performing well on exams does not depend on attendance even if you bunk... you can manage to score well in the exams :)
    class lo ya na lo... bunking is harmless :P
    ijtamai tullah rocks :D lol :)

  8. The world wants “peace“, so do the students :p

  9. Very well-written. Happens to be the story of my life, and everyone else's LOL. I've seen how easily people get away with the short attention, which was surprising.
    But then, I bunk, rather shamelessly, I bunk.

  10. Typo: Short attendance*

    Also I forgot to mention my love and respect for the unity demonstrated in the form of Ijtimai Tullas. I have never felt so integral a part of a team before LOL.

  11. Good effort.. Redeemed the value of bunking. :D Revolutionary.. Thumbs up!

  12. Saman you have just spoken my heart out woman! Keep writing :)

  13. good job saman!!i love reading every one on the new blogs ajkal:)

  14. very well described:)and weel written...
    good effort by you saman hashmi...
    but i never bunk any class in my university life:)

  15. @ Shumaila: yeah sure :p tell us about it :p

  16. LOL! The "Bunking Queens", Shumaila and Saman! ;) I'm impressed!!

  17. Shumaila surely deserves a medal for bunking... As she continuously Bunks H.I.'s class, & then bravely walks in the atrium making him to see her as he z leaving.... Hats off for this much courage...:P:P

  18. very nice and well written !!

  19. // but at almost all the educational institutions, students are addicted to the high of bunking.//

    do u think major institutes such as Dow, SMC, IBA, LUMS,GIKI or good schools have this going on in them? i think not.

    just because something happens around one, one tends to think that it's happening everywhere even if is not the case...

    and its really sad to hear the trend of bunking in KU whatever the reason might be.

  20. @ Tauseef: I second you :D I really appreciate your guts Shumaila and Saman :p

  21. Ayesha love, sorry to burst your bubble, but you are no less!! :P :P :P

  22. Tehmina, my friend! Im trying real hard..at least acknowledge :P

  23. oh saman i never knew u can write so well :) keep writing ! and keep up the spirits of bunking ;)

  24. I liked the way how u defend bunking.. :D

  25. At first it was just cheating..now the bunking clan speaks up! :P

  26. Bunking is necessary esp when a teacher is 'pakaao' so wats the use of attending the class n torture urself. But if u find everyother teacher like that then its a diff case....

    keep up the good work Saman!

  27. So for todays students the question is "To bunk or not to bunk" instead of "To be or not to be" . Well i loved the title .
    As far as IT is concerned, I like it too. I wonder why teachers dont think of giving Ijtimaai Fine for ijtimaai tulla??
    Good Job! Picrures are cool.

  28. Bunking is the essential feature of Uni. life.......

  29. foh all bunking lovers plzz like the page on facebook
